That headline is a joke, of course. It seems to suggest it might’ve turned out to be a different catastrophe altogether — but no catastrophe at all, really… just really, really, really hard work for about four straight days.
We’re still not really done as of today, Wednesday. I have a few things to move to the storage units. (That assumes I can fit them, but I wouldn’t be surprised if a couple of the larger boxes and other loose items get, uh, “lost” should I pass a generic construction dumpster en route.) We still have a few things to get out of the refrigerator to be thrown out/recycled. We’re also storing a few things at our friend Leah’s house. And, finally, we’ve got several boxes of what-not to take down to The Stepdaughter’s house, for our first several nights “away” — that’s gotta be put in the car just for tonight.
…but all that stuff has to happen this morning, in anticipation of the arrival of the cleaning crew “sometime” this afternoon. (The woman who owns the cleaning service is Hispanic, and she and The Missus have been communicating via text messages in Spanish (at The Missus’s end, with the assistance of Google Translate). So there’s apparently a dense fog of gray clouding the arrival time.)
The agenda tomorrow suddenly much simpler: we get up, take showers, load our luggage into the car, check out of the hotel, head to have our routine labwork done prior to next week’s doctor’s appointments…
…and then we are g, o, n, e.
What's up?