As some of you know, I’ve been using a route-planning site called Furkot to help me visualize the itinerary we might be taking for the trip. This turned out to be confusing, because other than our starting point and our planned “next destination,” we don’t yet know for sure where we’ll be, when, and for how long. So I emailed the people at Furkot to ask: how do I “plan” a trip only in retrospect — showing the places we’ve been to, but not all the succeeding ones?
I was impressed; they got back to me literally within minutes with several very specific steps to take. At any rate, here (shown in Google Maps) is the trip so far (assuming no itinerary changes over the next few days [*cough* Elsa *cough*])… If you click on the link, it looks like this:
It’s not much so far, of course. But this is generally the sort of thing I’ll be experimenting with until I’m satisfied with the “look,” or until the trip is over. Whichever comes first, ha.
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